Information Request (Current state review (data request)
- Preparatory work
- Site understanding and initial online interviews
- Specification of information requirements
- Review of information and gap identification
- Process mapping (initial)
- Data acquisition and IMS specification review (initial)
- Baseline data acquisition (initial)
Initial Data Review (Identify major energy consumption patterns and long-term trends)
- Preparatory work
- Site safety induction
- Site workshop and interviews
- Review of operations
- Review performance Measurement and Control on site
- Process mapping (final)
- Data acquisition and IMS specification review (final)
- Baseline data acquisition (final)
Site Assessment: Engage with technical teams to confirm and validate data)
- Data transformation
- Baseline
- Create baseline
- Determine performance improvement opportunities (rank)
Perform Detailed Analysis (Provide information on a baseline and show potential savings based on techniques developed by ECS)
- Opportunity Scoping
- Determine applicable benchmarks (group and global measures)
- Review government policies and determine impact/benefit
- Alternate low Carbon energy sourcing
- Review and model opportunities against baseline
- Build Business Case for Top 5 opportunities
Findings and Recommendations (Rank and prioritise opportunities and show Return On Investment per project, and detailed business review of Top 5)
- Final detailed report
- Prioritised list of project opportunities
- Detailed Business Case proposal for each of the Top 5 opportunities per site
- Site detailed integrated technical/commercial analysis report
- Site technical/commercial model and related data set
- Viable site plan to achieve Energy, Carbon, and Productivity targets
- Presentation of potential opportunities