ECS has been ISO 9001 certified since 2006. Management processes that deliver our products and services consistently meet the requirements of ISO 9001 standards. We are committed to regular reviewing of our Quality Management System and keeping abreast of the latest technology in our field. ECS is currently certified to ISO 9001: 2015.
In June 2014, ECS was proud to be one of the first organisations in South Africa to be accredited by SANAS (The South African National Accreditation System) as a Type A Inspection Body. The scope is for: The supply of services as an Inspection Body for the Measurement, Verification and Reporting of Energy Efficiency Savings in Systems, Processes and Facilities. This is according to Measurement Methodology as defined by SANS 50010: 2018. ECS subscribes to the Independence requirements for Inspection Bodies, as stated in SANS 17020:2012, Annex A. We are able to assist with the Section 12L tax incentive.
The Certified Energy Manager is regarded as the Gold Standard in the energy industry and is the most recognised and respected certification in Energy Management. Individuals granted to use this designation by the Association of Energy Engineers have distinguished themselves as having earned the highest level of competency in energy. ECS currently has 4 staff members who hold this qualification.
The Association of Energy Engineers, in cooperation with the Efficiency Valuation Organisation (EVO), has established the Certified Measurement and Verification Professional programme with the dual purpose of recognising the most qualified professionals in this growing area of the energy industry and raising the overall professional standards within the Measurement and Verification field.
The International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol (IPMVP), first established by the United States Department of Energy, has become the internationally recognised protocol for performance Measurement and Verification (M&V).
The IPMVP guidelines, built with the help of organisations from 16 countries and hundreds of individual experts from 25 nations, provides a consistent, reliable approach to M&V around the world. Dr Mark Rawlins and Simmie Reddy are both CMVPs.
Devi Pather is ECS’s Certified Carbon Auditing Professional (CAP). The AEE’s Certified Carbon Auditing Professional (CAP) program is designed to provide recognition for professionals who have distinguished themselves as leaders in the growing field of carbon reduction. The course provides internationally recognised comprehensive training in the critical areas of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, carbon reduction and associated reporting and verification.
At ECS, we acknowledge that during the course of our business operations we contribute to global emissions through the fuel used in our company land and air travel, the electricity consumed at our offices and data centres, the paper we use and the waste we produce. We have therefore taken the steps of measuring the carbon footprint of our own operations and have committed to reducing their effects. ECS is proud to be accredited as Carbon Neutral for our operations since 2009.
ECS appointed as eligible to participate as an Independent Assessor for Phase 1 of the Verification Programme, showcasing expertise in emission assessment and management. See the appointment letter here.
OBJECTIVE: Prioritisation Value & Opportunity Potential/Scoping
TIME SCALES: Continuous/Internal
OBJECTIVE: Energy Management
Time Scales: Long
Objective: Strategic
Time Scales: Continuous/Internal
Objective: Energy Measurement
Time Scales: Continuous/Internal
Objective: Energy measurement
Time Scales: Continuous/Internal
Objective: Energy Management
TIME SCALES: Short /Medium
OBJECTIVE: Early assessment of actual performance